An Overview of a Minor Cannabinoid CBDv

Cannabidivarin (CBDv) is a cannabinoid found in cannabis. Non-psychoactive, it produces no high but is one of over 100 hundred cannabinoids found within cannabis with unique benefits. There are typically high levels of CBDv in cannabis located in northwest India and Nepal.

There have been a few animal and human tests about the possible health effects CBDv could provide. Research is still in the early stages, but preliminary results indicate there are positive therapeutic effects CBDv could bring to someone’s life.

Though CBDv’s molecular structure and makeup is similar to Cannabidiol (CBD), both compounds bring different types of relief compared to one another. CBDv has been found to have both anticonvulsant and antiepileptic properties.  This fact indicates that it could help individuals struggling with neurological disorders.

There is the potential for CBDv to bring relief to individuals with Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy. CBDv is thought to reduce the intensity and length of seizures. The cannabinoid could also prevent convulsions when an individual does experience a seizure.

Researchers are currently looking into the benefits CBDv could have on individuals who have disorders like Rett syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder as well.

CBDv, like many of the minor cannabinoids, shows potential to prevent nausea and vomiting and has been a helpful tool for chemotherapy patients.  It is currently being researched in depth because of all the new and hopeful information arising from other studies. From what researchers know now about cannabinoids, cannabidivarin has the potential of giving patients a new quality of life.

By Andrea, published on